Addressing Imposter Syndrome in Communication


Addressing Imposter Syndrome in Communication

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever been invited to a meeting and realized that you are the lowest-ranking and/or the least-experienced person attending?

If you are OK with that realization, then you can stop reading right here.

If, however, you are like a good many other business professionals – especially younger professionals – when you looked at the attendee list, you might have begun to feel a sense of trepidation, stress, overwhelming anxiety – and maybe the meeting was still hours, days or even weeks away.

  • What should you do?
  • Why did they invite “me” to this meeting with “these” people?
  • All of “them” are way more senior and know way more than I do …

These might be just a few of the kinds of questions that were running through your mind. Am I going in the right direction with the thoughts you might have had?

If your answer to my last question is yes, then what you were thinking and feeling is something called “imposter syndrome.”

In an article on its website, WebMD says that imposter syndrome is not an actual mental health condition and describes it this way: “If you tend to doubt your own skills and accomplishments, despite what others think, you may have imposter syndrome.”

My belief is that the key to overcoming imposter syndrome is largely tied to the last part of the above quote: “… despite what others think …”

What I mean here is similar to what we talk about in our blog post about overcoming speaking anxiety if you are an introvert. In both situations, you need to find a way to come across with more confidence when speaking in public.

More specifically, getting past imposter syndrome lies within YOU.

You must trust yourself and believe in yourself for the skills, experiences and accomplishments that you have – and that OTHERS recognize and value.

You must come to the realization that you received that meeting invite because others believe that you belong at that meeting. They know what you bring to the table, so you now must believe in yourself.

So, take a step back, look in the mirror and focus on yourself and understand that you are capable and experienced and that your employer sees it in you.

Stand tall, command your space, show that you have a strong presence and speak like you have the right to be there saying the things that you are saying.

Everyone else sees it. Now, you must, too!

If you still are doubting yourself, Speakeasy offers style and delivery programs that can help you become more comfortable and confident in all speaking situations. We’ve helped thousands of individuals harness their voices to create the presence they’ve always aimed for. We’d love to help you discover your most influential self as well, introverted or otherwise.

Citation: WebMD: Feb. 15, 2022, “What Is Imposter Syndrome?”
What Is Imposter Syndrome? (
