17 Mar Top 5 Common Communication Myths
Reading Time: 3 minutesEffective communication is at the forefront of business. In fact, a recent survey revealed that over 75% of employers are placing more emphasis on verbal communication skills as a hiring prerequisite.[1] Despite the importance of productive business communication, leaders and managers often struggle with connecting and communicating in the workplace. A newly released HR Magazine study found that 45% of employees surveyed encounter confusing messages or unclear directions at least once per day. Even more eye-opening is that over 35% of employees surveyed report having to deal with miscommunication from their supervisors three or more times each day![2]
The business communication consultants, here at Speakeasy, have compiled the top 5 common communication myths that may be hindering workplace communication across the globe. Effective communication can only begin when these overlooked communication obstacles are addressed to improve business communication between all professionals.
Communication Myth #1: If I say the words, they should understand. Communication is not as simple as stringing words together. It takes preparation, a dedication to learning your audience, and finding the right words to connect with them and move them to action. What you say is equally as important as how you say it, if you’re hoping to have effective business communication skills. When you are delivering information, it is your responsibility, as the speaker, to bring your words to life and give them meaning that the audience can understand.
Communication Myth #2: I can turn “on” being a great communicator. Effective communicators don’t have an on/off switch when it comes to being a master communicator. They are always “on” because part of being a powerful communicator is being yourself. If you are genuine in your communications with others, then there is no need for “on” and “off” communication moments. Instead, you make every interaction meaningful and effective for both you and the audience.
Communication Myth #3: I can improvise my communication, so no need to prepare. You may be put in impromptu situations that allow you very little time to prepare, however, even in these instances, there are several steps you can take to gather your thoughts and calm your body. Master communicators prepare themselves, even when they are not in the midst of a speaking engagement. This begins with practicing how to communicate with others, how to command an audience, and how to exude credibility. Communication is a lifelong journey and preparing every step of the way is essential to enhancing your communication skills.
Communication Myth #4: I’m good at talking, so public speaking should be easy. Even the most outgoing individuals can benefit from learning and practice speaking principles, such as the power of the pause, or how to be an effective storyteller. Being able to connect one-on-one with a co-worker is important in building a personal connection with those in the workplace, but these skills may not be completely transferable to a public speaking engagement. The best communicators continue to hone their craft and find professional development opportunities to improve and try new communication strategies.
Communication Myth #5: Some people aren’t born to be great communicators. Contrary to popular belief, great and effective communicators are made, not born. We all have the potential to be effective communicators, with the right guidance and dedication to improving. Speakeasy has helped thousands of individuals, at all levels, tap into their inner communication potential with our best-in-class business communication skills trainings. As with any workplace proficiency, time and effort must be committed in order to truly reap the benefits. The rewards of effective communication in the workplace are measurable and can translate into lasting and productive business relationships.
The first step in your communication journey begins with breaking down these myths. Our dedicated faculty welcome you to connect with us on LinkedIn so we can share more resources that can be beneficial to you on your communication journey. Or, share your communication experiences on our Facebook page.
[1] https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/communication-affects-productivity-statistics-27004.html
[2] https://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/poor-communication-between-managers-and-employees-wastes-time-and-impacts-productivity