With 50 years of global reach – delivering blended communication development solutions – in person, virtually and digitally, to the most respected companies in the world, and a highly credentialed full-time faculty… Speakeasy is the gold standard for experiential learning and business-critical communication training and development.
First Impressions Count delivers a suite of short, impactful, micro-learning videos designed exclusively for young professionals like you. They are easy to take, easy to follow, and aimed directly at giving you the baseline guidance you need to get from where you are to where you need to be. The full suite contains nine separate 2-minute videos, each followed by a short quiz and accompanied by a downloadable PDF of key learning points. And it’s brought to you by the nearly 50-year old global leader in professional communication development.
Our MessageQUEST process combines big-picture, strategic thinking with a step-by-step approach to content development.
SlideQUEST extends the strategic thinking skills of our MessageQUEST process to drive more efficient and powerful visual support.
Participants can not only learn the proven Speakeasy approach but can now also apply, practice, and receive feedback on it!
We provide you with a strategic approach to content planning, message development, and visual creation using our guided planner.
Speakeasy Digital users can move through the program at their own pace and on their own time, improving their learning experience.