Insights: It’s Just Like Driving a Car


Insights: It’s Just Like Driving a Car

Reading Time: < 1 minute

from Jane Jones, Distinguished Faculty at Speakeasy

Remember what it was like at first to learn a new skill?  In my classroom, sometimes a client who is struggling with change asks me how to juggle a number of new behavior choices and make them all work together to improve their communication.  Often I’ll ask that person to think about the process that we all go through to become skilled at anything!  My analogy to learning to communicate well is driving a car. I remember the process very clearly since I learned on a “stick shift” at age 16.

Before being coached, I was unaware of what was necessary to drive.  With a little practice, I became conscious of the coordinated behaviors to get from one place to another.  With time, more practice, some courage and a sense of adventure, I soon became competent and was driving all over my home city.  When I came to enjoy the experience, I knew I was driving without thinking about coordinating the separate choicesGood, effective communication is no different.  With willingness, awareness and practice, clients use the skill process to develop into the best communicator possible! It’s all part of the journey!

